Much ado about sweet F.A.

June 24, 2008

Wow it’s been pretty busy busy busy the past 2 months (which is why I haven’t posted again on this vlog blog)!
But hey I guess that means I can make up for it now in an uber update!

So I’ve finished all my exams, so that’s all good, oh and I have dropped French too which is just great because I never really liked it 😛 and taking up computer programming instead, so the line up for next year is:

Drama, ICT, Computing and YOUTUBE!

Seriously, YouTube should become a subject.

More recently then, on Saturday I had the honour of going to London to meet the queen Mhairi and many others in PERSON!

In fact here’s a list right now!:

Mhairi, Dave, Myles, Tom, Laura, Jade (jadeykins), Sophie, Purple something but i forgot your name! NSG, jazza…again, he’s not that cool, Barry, Dave, Ian, James…anyone else? Oh ALEX! yep that was it. And they are all super cool too!

We had a great day…at a science museum where we went on the majorly disappointing spongebob squarepants simulator ride…then we went to waterlooo where i left to go home! 😦 didnt want to but had to.

If anyone read this and hasn’t been to a gathering before then i highly suggest you do, it’s an amazing thing to go, too many good things to list why you should go!


Saturday 21st also marked my one year anniversary on YouTube! I didn;t really do anything crazily cool but thanked all you wonderful people who give me the will to keep making videos!

IF you watched my latest then you will also know that vlogs will be becoming scarce…maybe…so if you want your update things, you better get here!

Anyway, that’s about it, so um yeah… PEACE!

Hello World!

March 6, 2008

Ok so this is me, JankinO, Jack however you know me, it’s me, so yayyy! I’ve finally made a blog, I should have made it when i had more time but you know me just making blogs with 5 minutes before I have to go out to college!

So I don’t really have a clue why I created this thing, but yeah, deal with it?

I really do have to go now otherwise my director will castrate my balls with her teeth, and believe me, I don’t want that to happen.